Monday, September 15, 2008


Lindsay tagged me so...

1) Scott’s jokes (This morning he jokingly said something about me being green cranola oil or something) I guess it’s just funny to me.
2) Music. I like classical, Alicia Keys, The Young & The Hopeless, Weezer, and Scott on the piano
3) Perfection. It’s rare but when I do or make something that is perfect it is like surreal to me.

1) My office after closing hours. The lights are out and there’s not a sound but that’s because accountants are crazy quiet when they want to be.
2) Blood clots, One minute you’re fine the next your just gone
3) Stairs, I always think there is someone behind me and they’ll grab my leg

Current Obsessions/Collections:
1) Reading
2) The scrabble game at Subway (I just need one letter on all of the words to win stuff)
3) Soccer as always since I started playing in my ward

Surprising Facts:
1) I have hiked Mt. Timpanogas over 13 times
2) I have an amazing singing voice when no one is around
3) I used to work with Will Ferell’s cousin at Macey’s and went to Jr. High with Demi Moore’s cousin

I tag Amanda! (No quitsies, no startsies, no roshamboe and if there is I start!)


Lindsay G said...

You should let us know what letter you need...because we have like 4 scrabble things and haven't done anything with them...maybe, just maybe, we have the lucky letter you need!

Britt said...

I haven't even hiked Mt. Timp once.

Britt said...

Marvin K Mooney--the time has come to update your blog.